1st Grade

Course Description


New Math Unit!

Hello First Grade Families,
Another math unit is underway! In class, our instruction will center around comparing objects by size, telling time to the hour and half hour, and collecting/analyzing data.
Telling time can be a tricky concept for a lot of First Graders so it's a great idea to support this learning at home. You can do this by talking about the different clocks that your family uses each day (analog and digital!) and emphasizing how you use to the clock to plan out your day. 
In addition, there are some wonderful iPad apps that can support this skill of learning to tell time to the hour and half hour. If interested, please visit the following link: https://www.theedadvocate.org/5-apps-teaching-child-tell-time/
As always, thank you for being a partner in your child's education. Please feel free to reach out with any questions!
The First Grade Team

New Social Studies Unit: Our World Map!


Hello First Grade Families,

We have had an amazing week getting back into the swing of things with our First Graders! This week will start a brand new Social Studies unit all about our World Map! In this unit we will explore the different continents, oceans, and types of landforms. As we study the world around us, students will begin to notice and contextualize their environment and continue to develop their spatial thinking. To end the unit, we will focus on map skills! We will learn about different parts of a map, how to read one, and even how to create our own! Not only is this excellent for their spatial thinking but it’s also an essential life skill. Below I’ve attached links to several different online resources to help supplement this unit. You are more than welcome to explore at home with your child if you are interested!

Additional Resources:

Interactive World Map: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/world/

Interactive continents, oceans, and landforms: https://www.mrnussbaum.com/wlandforms/

Map Skills: https://kidsgeo.com/geography-for-kids/making-and-reading-geographic-maps/


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!



The First Grade Team

Happy last day before break first grade families!
In addition to completing the Reading Log that will be sent home today, please also encourage your little one to progress through the ST Math curriculum by spending a few minutes each day on the app. We highly recommend utilizing the fluency portal as well! (You can access it by clicking on the circular icon with the math symbols in the upper left hand corner of the screen when your little one first logs in.)
We also want to make you aware of a little PHOTO CHALLENGE we are doing! Snap a picture of your little one in a cozy Christmas spot reading a good book and send it to us (either via email or an actual physical print out) and we will share it with the class when we get back and have a special surprise waiting. Smile and say Christmas cookies! :)
Wishing everyone safe travels and the happiest holidays!
Ms. M and Ms. D

Reading Strategy Sheet

Here is a helpful resource for you to use with your child at home when he/she encounters a tricky word. These are all strategies that we have covered in class so they should be little experts. Keep it handy the next time you crack open a book!
Happy reading!
-The First Grade Team
ps- A hard copy is also being sent home today!

Weekly Digest 10-29-18

Here are the weekly updates from first grade. Have a great weekend!
ps- Please do not forget that our first round of storybook sharing will occur on Monday. If you child has been working on a story that he/she would like to share, please place it in his/her homework folder on Monday. :)