1st Grade

Course Description


Quick Guide to 1st Grade HW

Hi 1st Grade Families,
Here is a quick overview of what HW looks like in 1st Grade! Remember, you can always check your child's agenda to see what the HW is for each night.
Math Worksheet (10 minutes)
  • Part of their nightly homework will be to complete a math worksheet that corresponds to our math lesson for the day. This worksheet will be a review of what we have already done in class. If your child is struggling to complete this (takes over 10 minutes), please make a note of it in their agenda.
Spelling (5-10 minutes nightly)
  • Spelling Sight Word List with Challenge Words (words are also written in their agenda each week!)
  • Spelling Pre-test- This will come home each Monday night and will show you exactly which words your child needs to practice before their test on Friday!
  • Monthly Spelling Menu- This has great strategies to help you practice your spelling words at home!
Reading Log (20-25 minutes)
  • Reading for 20 minutes each night (either your child reading to you or vice versa!)
  • Fill out the weekly Reading Log and return to school on Fridays! Completed Reading Logs will earn tokens! :)
Optional: ST Math
  • We carve out time to work on ST Math during the school week but you are always welcome to continue practice at home! The Math Fluency tool on ST Math can be particularly helpful (it's the blue button on the top left of the screen) for helping kids with their math facts!
Please send any questions our way! 
The First Grade Team

Personal Narrative Checklist

Hi Parents,
We hope you had a lovely weekend! We are kicking off this week with our first Writer's Workshop unit! This unit is all about Personal Narratives...stories that are TRUE and happened to YOU! I always love to send out a rubric at the beginning of each new unit so parents can get an idea of what we will be learning over the next several weeks (see attached). 
As our writers are crafting their pieces you can ask them questions like:
- How did you get your idea for your story?
- Why is this writing piece so meaningful for you?
You can support your child in their writing journey by:
- Asking them to tell you stories that are "TRUE and happened to YOU"!
- Telling them stories about your life, too! 
- Emphasizing that ideas for stories are all around us! Even small moments can be turned into BIG stories!
I also wanted to include the Writing Process that we follow in the Lower Grades for reference:
- Gathering
- Drafting
- Picking a Seed
- Revising
- Editing
- Publishing
- Celebrating
Thank you for supporting your child in their development of writing! As always if there are any questions please don't hesitate to send them our way!
The First Grade Team